Tuesday, 22 October 2013

An emphasis on running

Being a runner I spend a lot of my time...running.  Running means training and if I expect to pop into the occasional race and not embarrass myself I need to get periods of solid miles in to meet the expectation.  With cooler weather and shorter days I get the chance to rise early and head out onto the darkened streets for morning runs.  The railfanning part has to take a bit of a hit since standing on bridges and at crossings isn't exactly developing my aerobic pathways.  Also the reno work I've been doing since spring leaves my weekends absorbed in stuffing studs with insulation, hanging dryall and running wires.

With this in mind I have a couple of months of dedicated training ahead of me that will encompass most of my extra time during the week.  Bedtime will be earlier so I can be up at 6ish and out the door.  Noon I get an extra 5 miles in from work as we have shower facilities and I take my gear with me each day.

Ideally I would be getting in 10-12 miles a day over two runs and longer stuff on the weekends.  That's not materializing and I've only managed those levels consistently for a few months a few years back.  However my brief foray into 70ish mile weeks granted me a 5 mile PR for race I'd done for many years.  Running is like building a fire from a forest you've grown.  The more time you put into building large, dense forest, the bigger the bonfire you can make when you fell those trees.  You spend a lot of time doing nothing but putting in as many miles as you can manage over periods of months at a time.  Then you switch gears, cut back the miles a bit and train hard, and bring that base to fruition.  This is hopefully my coming winter as I work to get as much time on my feet and see where it brings me come springtime.

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