Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Catching ONR 1800 pulling out of the station

While vacationing in Muskoka over the last week, we popped into Bracebridge for a little shopping and replenishing of supplies.  A quick stop into The Right Track to see what obscure model train items they may have in stock before they closed at five, we were greated by the blaring noise of a diesel air horn on the tracks nearby.

It turned out the be the southbound ONR Northlander running about 40 minutes late, lead by 1800, fortunate for me as we had just arrived.  I managed to just get my phone out and grab 4 quick shots as it rolled over the street out of the platform and on it's way.

This section of the line is part of the Newmarket Subdivision, a control box one street over shows mile marker 121.87.

It's a pretty cool location to catch rail traffic as it's so intimate with the surrounding streets and crosses a bridge over the Muskoka River.

As I wasn't expecting to be taking in any rail traffic on the excursion into town, I'd left the Sony cam behind. Too bad as I would have had some of that in-town air horn to present.

Next time...


  1. Hi Jim,
    Nice impromptu catch of ONR 1800. I love the shot of the shed with the mile marker. Its great for keeping track of where you were/are. The Bracebridge station and section of the Newmarket sub were always interesting to me; not as straightforward as Washago or Gravenhurst, but not as scenic as Martins or Huntsville proper. The bridge over the falls is, of course, the main attraction and, should ONR go to CN, might see more traffic in the future.

    But until then, ONR Not For Sale!


  2. Thanks, Adam. The towns further north are so much better for viewing than in the city.
